The difference between Layer 3 and Layer 2 networks
For network engineers and architects, understanding the difference between a Layer 3 and Layer 2 network can greatly enhance the overall security and speed of your network infrastructure. Generally speaking, Layer 2 is a broadcast Media Access Control (MAC) MAC level network, while Layer 3 is a segmented routing over internet protocol (IP) network. To better understand both layers, let’s dig a little deeper into the OSI model. Understanding the OSI 7 layer model OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. It is a model used to standardise the functions of telecommunication and computing systems around the world. OSI 7 is conceptual, as the layers are abstractions that don’t define the actual technology used; however, the network topology and interoperability can be designed. But what does that actually mean? In Information Technology, standardisation is abstract so that providers, manufacturers, programmers and everyone involved has a model to work with that provides a unifo...